Thursday, May 13, 2010

England misseth me

What do I miss most about Malaysia? Cheap movies. So come back, come Wednesday (cheap day), must go watch.

So wanted to see IP Man 2, due to the glamorous reviews of the show on everyone's FB status'. But at the ticket counter, turns out they were already selling Robin Hood! I was like what? Is it even out? Because if it was, I would have known of some friends who surely would have already seen it. (AMF this is you). Whatever. Have Robin Hood, must watch. Malaysian kiasuness says it's always better to watch a movie before everyone else.

So it was a good show. Great comeback by Ridley Scott from his disappointing Kingdom of Heaven. Im pretty sure if Russell Crowe was in that movie it would have been much better. Anyways, Robin Hood is great war action. Story is ok. Romance is not too sappy. LOTS of bow and arrow action. Don't know if it beat Ip man though. Have to see that to judge. But yes, not 2 days after coming home from England, here I was watching England all over again on the big screen. It's fated. England wants me home.

1 comment:

vizanne said...

come back to England and let's go watch musicals again.