Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Kane is Real Pt.4: The Warning Signs

In hindsight, the suckiness to become of C&C4 should have been expected due to these warning signs.

This is supposed to be the grand finale of the C&C saga where Kane is concerned. This is our long awaited Tiberian Twillight. For C&C3 there was the Kane edition. For RA3; the Premier Edition. This game should have generated the most pomp and flare on the internet, and should have come in collectors, premium, platinum, Kane, Black Hand, Ascension editions. All we had was just a pre-order, and it still came in the same casing with the same cover art.

If you remember C&C3 and RA3 that came before this, they heavily advertised the casting line-up for their FMVs way in advance. For C&C3, it was a whole lot of popular actors and actresses from shows like Battlestar Galactica, Lost, and even Star Wars' own Lando Calrissian. (Sorry I do not know any of their names. I think it's Grace, Holloway, and Lando Calrissian) And for RA3, well...they were basically selling sex with all those girls. Shame on you EA. But still, no word on casting line-ups for C&C4.

Clearly, now that I look back, it seems that EA had determined way in advance for C&C4 to be mediocure at best.

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