Friday, March 20, 2009

How great is your passport?

On wikipedia just search for your country's passport. Eg. for malaysia type ' malaysia passport'. they have a really helpful map of the world telling you where your passport can take you without visas. great for travel planning. there are also specific visa required/visa-free/visa on arrival conditions listed for each destination country.

here is a pic of our malaysian one. as you can see we can go a lot of places without visa. in fact, reading up on our passport inform you that Malaysia's passport is 11th in the world in terms of international travel freedom. berharga tau.


HeHuiShan said...

berharga? ERMMMMM. i'm not so sure about that. I have to apply for 3 different visas for my summer study abroad trip -_-

chris said...

going africa is it? lol

vizanne said...

mediterranean countries.